
Our team works with patients and their families to develop a plan of care that is unique to each patient. As your needs change, we will collaborate with you and your attending physician to give you the services that best fit your situation.

What is Comfort Care

Hospice or Comfort Care focuses on the management of symptoms and pain for individuals in the terminal phase of life. By treating the person rather than the disease with a focus on quality of life, Bayview’s team of professionals not only address physical symptoms, but emotional and spiritual needs as well. Our services are patient-centered because patients and their families are our number one priority.

Comfort Care services are delivered wherever the patient calls home. If you wish to remain in your family home, we will come there. If you are in a nursing home or assisted living facility, we will partner with them to provide the specialized end-of-life care that you need.

Customized Care

Our interdisciplinary team of professionals are highly trained in providing quality and compassionate end of life care. They work collaboratively with the patient’s attending physician to ensure that their needs are satisfied.


A patient is eligible to receive hospice services if an order from a physician is given upon a terminal diagnosis with a life expectancy of six months or less and if the patient has a desire to receive comfort and support rather than curative treatment. Eligibility criteria include frequent hospitalizations, progressive weight loss, deteriorating mental abilities, frequent infections, and/or an overall decline in condition.

Whether you are a family member, physician, or nurse, anyone can refer a patient to Bayview Comfort Care. We understand that the choice to refer someone to hospice is never easy, which is why we make the process as simple as possible for you and the patient. Please give us a call at [ ] and one of our team members will assess your needs and work with your attending physician to determine if you qualify for the benefit.

Delivering a terminal diagnosis is one of the most difficult conversations a physician will ever have with their patient. Because of this, many physicians wait too long before making a hospice referral. This delay prevents patients from receiving the benefits of the expert pain and symptom management hospice professionals can provide.

Who Pays

Covered by Medicare and Medi-Cal with no co-pay, and most commercial insurances include hospice as a benefit. As a Medicare benefit, hospice care visits as well as prescriptions and medical equipment and supplies related to the patient’s terminal diagnosis are often provided at no cost to the patient or family.

Call Bayview Comfort Care for assistance with navigating your coverage options.

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